Mar 8, 2007

The Spikey of Life

I think I am losing my mind. It is a scary feeling.Maybe one day I won't wake up as myself. But then do I, anyway? Sometimes I feel as if putting myself to sleep is a whole lot easier than waking up. I have decided to set the alarm on the stereo, and not play Cranberries or Aerosmith first off, but maybe some John Mayer or Simply Red. That should calm me down somewhat. On the whole I find that, once I gather enough motivation from various parts of my body a hundred miles away, to open the guitar case, playing Cmajor, Eminor, A minor and rounding it off with G7 makes me feel very good. I also nod slightly, which is a positive body movement, and involuntary as well please note. An acoustical representation of Saturday and Sunday.
Some days are easier but I think the days are getting longer, the afternoons certainly seem to be longer by a few weeks surely. Everybody else gives me a startled look whenever I ask them the time and quickly pick up their cellphones and dial frantically, pretending to be in conversation so I can stop bothering them. Hm.
Met Spikey today, little rascal. She still seems to be very fascianted and hungered by the very sight of my toes. I am flattered, but she gives up easily. Wish she would play with me some more, without me having to beg.

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