Mar 12, 2007

Lion goes out of town for a month

The circus has come to town. My mum has reached her sister’s place and the house is looking neat but everything is crazy.
Food hasn’t been turning out well, and I am scared stiff about blowing up the house. Thinking about taking a rick to check that everything is aright at home. I know I sound paranoid. Wont hurt to just pop in would it? And I think I left the milk out on the table, and the muffins too. So, I can imagine dad’s expression when he comes home and sees all this. He will shake his head and proceed to undo my mistakes. Sigh.
I would be fed up with me already.
Got hurt yesterday, don’t know whether it’s serious.
And listen to this, Marjorie Orr says, "You will want luxury at home and your appetite may be more tempted than usual. What you secretly (or not so secretly) yearn for is to be applauded by everyone around."
How did she know? Which one of you squealed??? huh?

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