May 23, 2008

cave people

Me: i think we did a mistake by coming out of the caves, we shld have stayed there
K: right on
Me: caves are dark and u can hide and pretend u cant hear them
K: trees is more like it, per DNA
Me: and when u want to come out u can
K: if u time it well, u can scare the hell out of "them"
Me: they dont make trees like them anymore caves are still cavish
K: caves either...did u notice? those were the days...sigh!
me: dumb bastards. Even tunnels would work in a backaching kinda way
K: i'm thinking burrowing, if u cant make caves or tunnels...just dig under.
Me: my nails are weak, they will chip and be painful
Krishna: hey, i have spoons

Apr 23, 2008

how's it going to be

It’s been a long day, like all the days before this. Tonight, I will have nightmares again, as I have had all these nights away from you.
It’s been a long day and I am tired to the bone. Dealt with perverts and bitches. And also with my parents.
It’s been a long day and as usual you aren’t here to help me into bed, to tuck me into bed, to hold me till we both drift asleep, letting go of each other only when we aren’t awake.

Apr 21, 2008


John Mayer and Simple Red. Dave Mattews Band, The Wallflowers and Bruce Springsteen. Billy Joel and Sheryl Crowe. Sade and Paula Cole. My Ipod and I. Damn, am having a great time.

Mar 5, 2008

At the risk of sounding like an existentialist, why are we here?
Why are we even going about the same old things -- looking for a job, a man to love, a few moments away from everything and then suddenly, this realisation creeps in -- we still don't know why we are here.

Jan 19, 2008

walking gingerly

She streaks across the grey landscape, clutching her prize close to her chest. She risks a look at her pursuers and grimly swerves to the left. The blind monsters from hell run on unaware that she is out of their reach. She stops running only when the sun begins to rise. The little brown paper wrapped package glows with promise. She sits down to write

We turn the page to peruse a new chapter, in the daily chronicles of the continuing adventures of Ahalya Naidu super editor and grandmistress fiction writer.

Or something like that

Jan 13, 2008

The Golden Compass

It took me a movie realise how good books written by a few children's authors really are.
Mind you, I have yet to read Philp Pullman, but the thing about him and Terry and Diana Wynne Jones and Aidan Chambers and their kind is that they know children are far from childish.
And that's very important.
See, they dont write as if they are writing for adults, but whatever they do write can be read by adults as well.
Consider this, rebelling against authoritarians is not the same as rebelling against authority.
Making friends and being loyal, empathising with animals, helping the underdog and defying bullies.
And they are waiting to include these books in school libraries because?

Dec 1, 2007

waiting for my world to change

What are these tears all about?
The tea was alright, the friends will call, this big dog loves me
I miss being uninvolved with people I barely know
I miss not having a cellphone
I miss being unplanned
I miss trouble-free skin
I miss getting my hands dirty after painting things that will be chucked in the bin before they dry
I miss getting up at 6.30
I miss life 10 years ago
Make that 15
Sometimes I wonder why I was born at all

Nov 8, 2007

In my life

There are two ways to solving most problems. And I have only tried one all my life. Taking the easy way. Apologising, hiding, lying, changing my opinion. Anything goes as long as I do not have to take the hard way. As far as I have seen, the hard way is too painful, it's very depressing and I cannot afford to be depressed.
But, not so surprisingly, it is catching up with me... this second way I have been running away from.
The facing people who put me down, regularly. The shouting back when I am insulted, the picking up the phone and dialling a number, and mostly, NOT picking up the phone.
I am not a very organised person and I am not very sure if I am tackling my problems correctly, but what I do know is that things are changing in my life and now, I know milestones on both roads.

Oct 16, 2007


The thing about routines is that even if what you are getting thoroughly bored with is good for you, you will get bored anyway.
And you wont rest until you change it, and you will fall ill trying it, but you will keep at it doggedly.
Maybe this trick was immensely useful thousands of years ago, but not now. Not with deadlines, appointments, weekly grocery shopping trips, visits from relatives, sudden but expected costs.
Shut up and put up with it.
Dont waste time trying to get yourself a makeover as well.

Jul 23, 2007

Oi Rowling! What's with you?

Firstly, I am disappointed that an author would change her content so much that the original fans of her books, when the series was a fledgling, would be left by the wayside.
By all means, write for adults. But, write for children too.
That's what made her books so enchanting, the fact that the first 2 books were heart-warming. I may be horribly old-fashioned, but I think that's what children (and the rest of us) need. Some good old heart-warming books. We have enough of newspapers to dish out the surreally disgusting side of life.

Would they read Book no 7 with as much happiness as they did No 1? I refer to those little ones who had lapped up her first book and industriously put pen to paper to write a thank you letter, which she so proudly published.

Ms Rowling, I shake my head in quiet frustration.

Jul 19, 2007


I don't make a good friend. I do not drop everything if a friend needs me. I don't lend money, or borrow, if i can help it. I cannot offer them a free rein at my home, although I would love to. I always change plans at the last minute if they want to meet me. I do not feel useful when they ask me for advice.
But, thats about friends.
When it comes to a few of the angels I know, everything changes. their worries morph into mine. I still dont lend or borrow money, but if they need to bury a dead body, i'll get my torch along. and thats a big thing alright. considering i never find all the batteries on time, motu will wake up and start jumping around and so on and so on

Jul 15, 2007


I wonder why I rush around so much. Hardly a month goes by without me starting something new. Not all of these things have good effects, not all of these things are seemingly for me.
It is not easy being a hypochondriac geminiian woman.
Hold on, this isn’t about self pity, and I am not just saying that.
Take my pup for example. He is more than I can handle. More than anyone else can.
I extend my paranoia to his well being and since he has come home, I haven’t slept for more than 3 hours at a stretch. I haven’t been able to work very well, and I have had aches and pains for quite some time now?
I think I am complaining. But, would I change anything?
If I had a choice, if I could find him a good home, maybe a better one, would I give him away?
Let me pause for a moment and ponder about this.

No, I will not. If I can find him a better home, chances are I can make a better home too. Mum has calmed down a lot and she looks happier, but, that is not the only reason why I brought him home.
He is as my child. I am responsible for him and I love him.
I think I can come here to let off some steam and complain for a while anyway.