Jan 19, 2008

walking gingerly

She streaks across the grey landscape, clutching her prize close to her chest. She risks a look at her pursuers and grimly swerves to the left. The blind monsters from hell run on unaware that she is out of their reach. She stops running only when the sun begins to rise. The little brown paper wrapped package glows with promise. She sits down to write

We turn the page to peruse a new chapter, in the daily chronicles of the continuing adventures of Ahalya Naidu super editor and grandmistress fiction writer.

Or something like that

Jan 13, 2008

The Golden Compass

It took me a movie realise how good books written by a few children's authors really are.
Mind you, I have yet to read Philp Pullman, but the thing about him and Terry and Diana Wynne Jones and Aidan Chambers and their kind is that they know children are far from childish.
And that's very important.
See, they dont write as if they are writing for adults, but whatever they do write can be read by adults as well.
Consider this, rebelling against authoritarians is not the same as rebelling against authority.
Making friends and being loyal, empathising with animals, helping the underdog and defying bullies.
And they are waiting to include these books in school libraries because?